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Advanced Life Saving


Rapid Patient Access


Clinical Leadership


Major Incident Response


Hospital Treatments


Education & Training

BASICS Dorset is an enhanced care service which works to save the lives of critically-ill patients in Dorset. Our medics work together with the Ambulance Service to treat patients wherever and whenever they need help out in the community. A serious road crash, work accident, cardiac arrest or sudden grave illness can leave a life hanging in the balance. When this happens, BASICS responders can be called out to use their skills and knowledge to make life-saving interventions before the patient reaches hospital.


Like many other BASICS responders, our medics in Dorset are volunteers. When not treating patients in the county's hospitals and GP practices they offer their time "on-call" to respond quickly when required any time of day or night. Although time is given freely, we rely on public donations to provide and maintain equipment, vehicles and to train new medics.


Callouts answered last year

Over 1000

Callouts since 2018

Around 1000

Patients treated since 2018

Over 1400

Road miles travelled

Heat Map 2024.jpg

Our medics offer their time and skills as volunteers to provide emergency care to our patients. However, we rely on charity to providing training, equipment and ongoing support to allow our responders to carry out their vital work. Please click on the DONATE button and show your support today. You can visit our charity page to find other ways you can help us save lives in Dorset.

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